Mike Maloney, the owner of GoldSilver.com is doing a great service by releasing regular video clips which analyze and comment on the economy in a way you’re just not going to hear on main stream media. Mike’s latest video entitled “The Truth about the Fed’s Rate Cuts” (released November 11, 2019) is actually not about the economy, per se, but about currency abuse, interest rate cuts, and a big fat warning about the coming recession.

(Run Time: 3 min, 29 sec)

As  posted to the GoldSilver YouTube Channel on 11/11/19

(Run Time: 9 min, 23 sec)

Download Mike Maloney’s best-selling book for free here: https://pages.goldsilver.com/freebook

(This is Blog Post #655)

Michael Maloney, founder of www.GoldSilver.com is also the author of the world’s best selling book on precious metals investing.  Since 2003 he has been advocating gold and silver as the ultimate means of protecting wealth from the games played by our governments and the banking sector.