What the Fed (Round 2)

As  posted to Peak Prosperity.com   on 5/17/2020 Trailer (Run Time: 1 min, 47 sec) Creator-provided description: "Back in mid-January, Grant Williams, Mike Maloney, Charles Hugh Smith, Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart sat down for an in-depth discussion on the dangerous distortions to financial markets and the global economy that central bank intervention is causing. That video, titled WTF: What The Fed?! was released soon after the US Federal Reserve had added $200 billion dollars to its balance sheet in Q4 2019. At the time, we worried that so much liquidity being added to the system so quickly could recklessly exacerbate the extreme overvaluations in the markets, and further increase the instability of our over-indebted economy. Little could we have guessed that a global pandemic would soon ensue, one that...

The Financial System Just Broke

(Part 1) Posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on March 22, 2020 (Part 2) Posted to the GoldSilver.com YouTube Channel on March 22, 2020 Part 1 - Financial Armageddon (Run Time: 21 min, 04 sec) Part 2 - Is it Too Late for Gold & Silver? (Run Time: 19 min, 35 sec) Join Mike Maloney (GoldSilver.com) and Chris Martenson (Peak Prosperity) in this two-part discussion of the ‘financial armageddon’ taking place in markets, along with information on how they are investing and protecting themselves financially during this crisis. (This is Blog Post #770) Chris Martenson, is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation.  Currently he is an author and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and the environment at his site, www.peakprosperity.com. Michael Maloney, founder...

Currency Oblivion Coming

As  posted to the GoldSilver.com YouTube Channel on 3/3/20 (Run Time: 28 min, 07 sec) Mike Maloney believes that the Fed now has no option but to print the US dollar into oblivion, find out why in this comprehensive analysis of Tuesday’s (3/3/20) market action. The Fed's rate cut, bonds, gold and silver are all discussed. (This is Blog Post #759) Michael Maloney, founder of www.GoldSilver.com is also the author of the world’s best selling book on precious metals investing.  Since 2003 he has been advocating gold and silver as the ultimate means of protecting wealth from the games played by our governments and the banking sector....

Unpacking the Economy's Bubble Dynamics

As  posted to the GoldSilver.com YouTube Channel on February 28, 2020 (Run Time: 16 min, 07 sec) "How serious could the pandemic get? Will it decimate world economies, or is this just a short term blip? Is it the virus to blame for the recent market action, or the fact that the world economies have been balanced on a razor’s edge for a decade?" Find the answers to all of the above in this 2/28/20 update with Mike Maloney (GoldSilver.com) and Chris Martenson (PeakProsperity.com) (This is Blog Post #756) Chris Martenson, is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation.  Currently he is an author and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and the environment at his site, www.peakprosperity.com. Michael Maloney, founder of www.GoldSilver.com is...

Coronavirus is the Biggest Risk in 100 Years

As  posted to the GoldSilver.com YouTube Channel on January 27, 2020 (Run Time: 12 min, 32 sec) On the Coronavirus, Dr. Chris Martenson says, "This is the most serious pandemic risk that we've seen, not since SARS . . . but I think since the Spanish Flu outbreak in 1919.". Join Mike Maloney as he investigates the potential for the Coronavirus outbreak to become a full-blown pandemic. Mike and Chris will discuss the genesis and spread of the Coronavirus and how to prepare yourself. They will also examine how China is reacting to the Coronavirus with lockdowns and quarantines, and how this pandemic may be an economic black swan event. (This is Blog Post #708) Chris Martenson, is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation. ...

The Truth About the Fed's Rate Cuts

Mike Maloney, the owner of GoldSilver.com is doing a great service by releasing regular video clips which analyze and comment on the economy in a way you’re just not going to hear on main stream media. Mike’s latest video entitled “The Truth about the Fed’s Rate Cuts” (released November 11, 2019) is actually not about the economy, per se, but about currency abuse, interest rate cuts, and a big fat warning about the coming recession. (Run Time: 3 min, 29 sec) As  posted to the GoldSilver YouTube Channel on 11/11/19 (Run Time: 9 min, 23 sec) Download Mike Maloney's best-selling book for free here: https://pages.goldsilver.com/freebook (This is Blog Post #655) Michael Maloney, founder of www.GoldSilver.com is also the author of the world’s best selling book on precious metals investing.  Since 2003 he has...

Chris Martenson on the Economy

As  posted to the GoldSilver YouTube Channel on 10/9/19,  10/10/19 and 10/11/19 Chris Martenson on the economy from his home in Massachusetts with Mike Maloney of GoldSilver.com: Part 1 - End of the "Everything" Bubble In this first of a series of three videos, they discuss the general state of the economy since the last time they spoke together, and the importance of being prepared for "something big". (Run Time: 5 min, 09 sec) Part 2 - Silver & Gold as Portfolio Core . . . But What Else? In the second of this three-video series, Mike Maloney and Chris Martenson reveal that there is one asset apart from gold and silver that they are both looking to accumulate. What could it be? At what valuation will they trade gold...