As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on 4/2/2020

(Run Time: 7 min, 4 sec)

Author’s Description of Clip

“The most effective step each of us can take right now to beat COVID-19 is to start wearing a mask. It’s cheap. It’s easy. And if we call do it, it will give us a HUGE advantage in the fight against this pandemic.

You don’t need a fancy mask. A simple DIY version will suffice. Wearing one does the following:

  • greatly reduces the particles a sick person can spread,
  • prevents you from touching your mouth and nose, by far the most common way we can get infected, and
  • substantially increases your odds of having a mild case, should you get infected If we all wear masks: I protect you, and you protect me.

So let’s each start now. It just makes so much sense.”

The team at Peak Prosperity created this video because so many asked them to create a short educational clip for why masks are so important, so that you can get others onboard this movement. OK, they’ve done our part. Now help them out: SHARE THIS with those you care about! Family members, friends, classmates, co-workers, neighbors, elected officials — anyone and everyone you think should hear this important message.

(This is Blog Post #785)

Chris Martenson, is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation.  Currently he is an author and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and the environment at his site,