As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 9, 2020

(Run time 27 min 35 sec)

In Update #17, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially “2019-ncov”), Chris Martenson reports:

Is the Coronavirus far worse than we thought?  New research suggest that is the case.

“Chinese officials are now warning the Wuhan Coronavirus may spread by aerosol transmission. We have known it spreads via fomites contained within mucus-based globules, spread by coughing, sneezing, etc.  But if it also transmits from human to human via aerosol means, it’s likely FAR more contagious than previously feared.

Many of the most contagious diseases, like measles, spread as aerosols  — tiny particles that hang in the air for a protracted time. If confirmed, this makes a very bad situation substantially worse.  And adding to the hit parade of bad news, recent research shows that Coronavirus particles can survive on surfaces for up to 5-9 days. At least, the good news is that chlorine-based cleaners (like simple bleach) appear effective at killing the virus within 1 minute. So, again, good hygiene practices are our best defense here. Avoid exposure, and when in public areas, protect your eyes/nose/mouth/skin, and sanitize often.

Meanwhile, the data shows the virus continues to spread around the world. And we see more indirect evidence that the infected and fatality data out of China may be much higher than is what’s being reported.”

(This is Blog Post #736)

Chris Martenson, is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation.  Currently he is an author and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and the environment at his site,