What are the Tax Implications of Winning Money or Valuable Prizes?

If you gamble or buy lottery tickets and you’re lucky enough to win, congratulations! After you celebrate, be aware that there are tax consequences attached to your good fortune. Winning at gambling For tax purposes, it doesn’t matter if you win at the casino, a bingo hall or elsewhere. You must report 100% of your winnings as taxable income. They’re reported on an “Other income” line of your 1040 tax return. To measure your winnings on a particular wager, use the net gain. For example, if a $40 bet at the racetrack turns into a $130 win, you’ve won $90, not $130. You must separately keep track of losses. They’re deductible, but only as itemized deductions. Therefore, if you don’t itemize and instead take the standard deduction, you...